A Web Applications Manager who is an experienced Senior Web Developer with a diverse background (Web Development, Help Desk, Desktop Support, Networking, Mainframe Operations, Psychology/Counseling, Teaching, Genealogy) whose more recent
projects have involved coordinating server migration of web assets and testing of those assets, partnering with University Marketing on projects to enhance web presence/functionality/branding, extending my development of mobile-first responsive templates for university websites for a variety of purposes, implementing UI and writing the back-end applications thereof, and maintaining comprehensive documentation of projects.
An experienced Senior Web Developer with a diverse background (Web Development, Help Desk, Desktop Support, Networking, Mainframe Operations and Psychology/Counseling) whose more recent projects have involved
extending my development of mobile-first responsive templates for university websites for a variety of purposes, implementing UI, and writing back-end of apps
James Madison
University - Information Technology Department, Harrisonburg, VA. Positions: Web Applications Manager. August 2024-present (interim July 2024-August 2024). Web Developer. July 2008-July 2024 (promoted to Senior Web Developer in November 2013). Help Desk Analyst. December 2004-July 2008.
- Coordinating migration of secure web assets and applications from one server to another and testing of those applications and assets.
- Staging migration of web assets and applications for future cloud migration.
- Played a role (analysis, testing, evaluation) in adoption of DubBot to maintain Accessibility standards.
- Converted Perl scripts to Python in order to modernize code to stage for future development and improved maintenance and support.
- Produced scripts to consume API data using AJAX and Perl/CGI to produce real-time parking lot availability counts in campus parking decks to provide these counts to faculty, staff and students via the JMU Parking website and app. I also wrote the Perl/CGI side to prevent screen scraping of the source data as an individual was trying to use it to make money on the side by producing his own "app." https://www.jmu.edu/parking/
- Created (where I was the only developer) a University-wide application Affiliate Forms using Perl/CGI, SQL, jQuery/JavaScript, CSS and HTML, digitizing and making more efficient the process used by Human Resources and Payroll to track the hire, rehire, termination and updating of affiliate employees.
- Developed tools based in web services running against Cascade REST API to automate processes and make CMS maintenance both easier and more efficient via such actions as mass asset configuration and modification.
- Converted a Total Compensation Benefits Calculator (Benecalc) written in Visual Basic to a standalone jQuery application easily maintained by the Human Resources Department using Cascade CMS to help faculty and staff see the full compensation the University provides in addition to and including pay. https://www.jmu.edu/humanresources/totalcomp/index.shtml
- Transformed the JMU Website into a responsive/adaptive site via CSS, jQuery and HTML markup changes, including innovating a gridpad class (and the CSS thereof) used throughout the template, to allow the site to meaningfully function across devices, platforms and browsers https://www.jmu.edu
- Innovated script notation/documentation comments within assets (Velocity, CSS, HTML, JS/jQuery, Perl, Python and others) where the adaptation is now generalized to all of our web development team in order to allow tracking of changes, when they were made, why they were made and by whom they were made. This allows improved maintenance and troubleshooting of those assets.
- Developed and launched JMU’s mobile web site https://m.jmu.edu, using jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, YUI Grids and
XSLT/VelocityScript to allow a functional mobile presence prior to the production of the responsive site.
- Redeveloped the Campus Directory using
Perl and jQuery DataTables (https://www.jmu.edu/directory) and later did another redevelopment partnering with HannonHill using PHP (https://directory.jmu.edu)
- Partnered with HannonHill to develop LearnSecurity (https://learnsecurity.jmu.edu). In addition, I developed reporting tool for the application (https://learnsecurity.jmu.edu/reports/).
- Authored various articles, web pages, web sites and e-books
- Presented "Velocity the Basics" at the Cascade Server User Conference in Atlanta, GA, to teach attendees basic Velocity Script to use in the Cascade CMS.
- Described as “One of our best hires” by
the former Executive Director of Information Systems, now AVP/CIO of Information Technology, of James Madison University
- Featured in the Crossroads article EMU grads help market James Madison University
- Described by a customer as one who "love(s) to get things done" and my "SLA is one of the best in the business."
Self-Employed Contractor (part-time) with OHO Interactive contracting with Chatham University. Position: Cascade/Web Developer. September 2022-September 2023.
- Re-architected the site, centralizing data, to create a searchable and filterable Faculty Directory.
- Added new features in the CMS for web publishers to use to create dynamic content.
- Provided Support for Cascade CMS development for Chatham University.
Blue Ridge
Community College - Workforce & Continuing Education (WCE),
Weyers Cave and Harrisonburg, VA. Position: Adjunct Faculty (WCE Computer
Training: XHTML/CSS/JavaScript). April 2006-December 2014.
- Rewrote the HTML course I teach to
reflect XHTML standards and am gradually integrating HTML5
- Wrote and taught both the Web Development using CSS course and the Practical JavaScript course
- Described as a "brilliant, kind, caring instructor" and "an incredible resource and computer guru."
Physical Therapy & Sports Performance - Technical
Support, Harrisonburg, VA. Position: Server Administrator. January
2005-August 2007. Position: Webmaster. August 2006-January 2011.
- Developed a quality website in 2009 in
PHP with an original fading carousel using my own JavaScript implementation
WLR Foods, Inc. – MIS Department, Hinton and Broadway, VA. Positions: PC Specialist, Help Desk Operator. June 1995-May 1999.
- Pioneered a company Intranet
- Helped move to paperless and centralized documentation
- Single-handedly ran the Help Desk for over 700 customers in 4 states
Merck & Co., Inc. – Technical
Operations, Manufacturing Division, Stonewall Plant, Elkton, VA. Position:
Intern/Bulk Mainframe Operator. November 1993-May 1995.
James Madison
University – Office of Information Technology, Harrisonburg,
VA. Position: Microcomputing Lab Consultant. Spring 1992-November 1993.
Computing Knowledge and Accomplishments:
- Author of Velocity: Beyond the Basics: Beyond a $ here and a # to do (additions, subtractions and things left unsaid)
(Kindle Edition | on Google Play)
- Presented Velocity: the Basics: with a $ here and a # to do at the Cascade Server Users Conference (September 21, 2015)
- Featured in Hannon Hill Corp. Team Blog: CUC15 Session Spotlight: Velocity (September 21, 2015)
- Author of Velocity: The Basics: Scripting with a $ here and # to do (Kindle Edition | on Google Play)
- Proficient in Microsoft Windows (3.1-10), Macintosh OS X, macOS, Microsoft Office, HTML, SSI, CSS, JavaScript, XHTML, Perl/CGI, jQuery, Velocity (VTL), XSL (XSLT, XPATH), XML, YUI Grids, Cascade Server, Unix/Linux and DOS (including scripting), PC and Network troubleshooting
- Familiarity with Python, Java, JavaFX, PHP, ASP, VBScript, HTML5, Remedy, Linux and mainframe operations
- Featured in the YUI blog for a demo I wrote for the Cascade Server User Conference (September 2012) using YUI Grids and jQuery)
- Certifications:
Python 3 Tutorial course from Sololearn
(Certificate, January 31, 2020),
HTML Developer Certification (October 2006), Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification (PowerPoint 2003) (August 2006), HDI HDM (Help Desk Manager) Certification (July 2006), HDI HDA (Help Desk Analyst) Certification (July 2005), Apple - ACHDS Certification (April 2005), CompTIA A+ Certification (2004)
- Author of multiple articles for James Madison University’s Technical Advisory. Refer to http://peregrine.beacondeacon.com/works.htm
- Developed documentation for assistance with technical operations in a manufacturing setting as well as operations in a university support center
- Past experience with Unix, mainframe operations (ITX, VAX, AS400) and programming: BASIC, PASCAL, COBOL, and SQL
- Participated in various computer training since 2004, including Python, Cascade Server, Responsive Web Design, XSLT, HTML5, Security, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Java, JavaScript, Perl/CGI, PHP, VelocityScript, XML, YUI Grids, VBScript, ASP, ADO, SQL, FrontPage Server Extensions, JavaFX, Help Desk Support, XHTML, CSS, Oracle Calendar and various Operating Systems (a detailed list of training can be furnished upon request)
- Additional training (SDI, MBTI personality assessments, Listening Skills, Team Building, Inter-generational Differences in the Workplace, Emotional Triggers)
Examples of my work available: http://peregrine.beacondeacon.com/works.htm
Counseling Work Experience and Accomplishments can be provided upon request.
Hagerstown Community College, Hagerstown, MD. January-April 2004.
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA. August 1996-June 1999.
- Master of Arts in Counseling
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. August 1991-May 1995.
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Major: Computer Information Systems, Decision Support Systems Concentration
- Placed on both the Dean’s List and President’s List
- Graduated Magna Cum Laude
- Python 3 Tutorial course from Sololearn
(Certificate, January 31, 2020)
- Presented "From Tales to Tree: Getting Started in Genealogy" at Rockingham County (VA) Parks & Recreation (October 7, 2019).
- Member of the Personal Enrichment Advisory Council of Workforce & Continuing Education at Blue Ridge Community College (October 2019-2020)
- Presented "From Tales to Tree: Getting Started in Genealogy" at James Madison University via a partnership with Balanced Dukes and JMU Talent Development (July 10, 2019).
- Recipient of the 2013 Cassie Lightning Bolt Award at the 2013 Cascade Server User Conference
- Listed in The Global Directory of Who's Who
- James Madison University Macintosh User's Group
- TechRepublic Member
- Macintosh OS X Certification Alliance Member
- Subscriber to eWeek and PC Magazine
- Silver Member of Help Desk Institute
- Golden Key International Honors Society (since 1992)
- Mortar Board Honor Society (Pi Sigma Alpha) (since 1994)
- Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honors Society (member since March 23, 1994)
- Men's Ministry leadership at New Covenant Community Church (Spring 2020-2022)
- Nursing Home Ministry at New Covenant Community Church (2011-2016)
- Worship Team at New Covenant Community Church (2010-2022)
- Singing (Worship Team, "Singing Men" and choir at New Covenant Community Church)
- JMU UREC Floor Hockey Participant (July 2008-February 2020)
- Presented at JMU Training & Development: Developing Positive Assertiveness Trainer (July 2009, February 2012, February 2013 and February 2014)
- Presented Help Desk resources and troubleshooting at the JMU IT Training Center (October 20, 2005)
- Taught Help Desk staff about various browsers and troubleshooting for several trainings (2005-2007)
- Taught my Discourses class at Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) (February/March 2009)
- Trained Facilitator for The Truth Project (earned May 2008)
- Men's Book Study Ministry at Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) (February 2006-August 2009)
- Men's Ministry Leadership at Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) (Spring 2005-Spring 2009)
- Short-term Inner City Missions: March 2024 (Team Leader/Participant), August 2023 (Participant), March 2023 (Team Leader/Participant)
- Trail Life USA Troop Ministry Chaplain (2022-present)
- Trail Life USA Troop Ministry Liaison (formerly Charter Organization Representative) (2019-2022)
- Trail Life USA Trail Guide (2014-2018)
- Past experience (mostly leadership) with parachurch ministries through the years (nursing home, men, book studies, Sunday School, youth group, worship team, choir and speaking engagements)
- Researching my Genealogy and studying History
- Enjoying Math problems, Sudoku and Crosswords