*Authorship, development, or contribution as defined here may include coding, content, or
assistance in composition of a final product listed above. Sites are highlighted for their scripted functionality, design, usability, or uniqueness, and/or all of the aforementioned. In the details (when you close this window) , I have attempted to mention where
collaboration occurs on the work (such as when another person and I wrote the content or if I wrote the code,
but not necessarily the content). If not specified, the assumption may be made that I am the primary author of the
work. In cases where I am not the primary author, I received permission from a primary individual in the project
to be a known contributor of the project. Also, note that where others have contributed, sites may have changed from their
original content. If clarification is needed, please
contact me.
The Shack (by William P. Young) - A Book Review by Jamie Johnson - (content by Jamie Johnson with quotes from the book by William P. Young), possibly to make an appearance in The Covenant Clarion, URL: http://beacondeacon.com/ichthus/personal/TheShack/ (September 2008).
What Do You Expect? - (content by Jamie Johnson with references to The Shack by William P. Young, Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender, Ph.D., The Marriage Builder by Dr. Larry Crabb, and The NIV Study Bible), URL: http://www.beacondeacon.com/ichthus/personal/WhatDoYouExpect.htm (October 22, 2008).
A cross-browser Superfish horizontal menu with fixed position and automatic resizing of menu items (content by James Arthur Johnson with references to coding from Superfish), URL: http://tech.beacondeacon.com/superfish.html (June 18, 2013).
For additional technical articles (with some by me), please refer to tech @ Beacon Deacon. For theological and faith articles (with some by me), please refer to News & Features on http://beacondeacon.com.
Design and development of various intranet and web sites using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Perl/CGI, Velocity and other coding technologies.
Some examples of my work include the web sites below. Note that I initiated some pages, sites, and scripts in
the past and still currently develop them. I initiated and completed the development of other pages
and sites in spite of the initiation date (some "newer" pages are complete while some "older"
are not and vice versa). Some web pages, sites, and scripts are not listed due to being parts of secure
intranets or because they contain confidential information that requires authentication.
NOTE: Web sites can change over time. Some of the sites below, while piloted, modified, or developed by me, may have changed from my original authorship* if I am no longer the primary author*.
Web pages, sites, and scripts initiated 1996-2004
The Beacon Deacon Web Site (started with one page in 1996 and developed into multiple pages and still being developed), URL: http://www.beacondeacon.com/
The Family Tree of James Arthur Johnson (started in 1996 and consists of multiple pages still being developed), URL: http://family.beacondeacon.com/
Browser Configuration / Tutorial Page (original page developed by Alvin Chao, current page and much of the content of the pages to which it links were developed with input from Alvin Chao, Stan Bishop, Gary Flynn, Debby Boyle, Drew Davis, Susan Reid, Camilla Washington, Pete DeSmit, Steve Macchio, and James Johnson, primarily coded by James Johnson), URL: http://isapps.jmu.edu/tutorials/browser/
(NOTE: This version of the page was migrated and re-coded in 2008.)
Oracle Calendar Frequently Asked Questions (primary content by Carol Miller and Pete DeSmit; editing and additional content by Debby Boyle, James Arthur Johnson, Drew Davis, Rich MacDonald, Kevin Conrow, Mohammad Sumbal, Richard Blankenship, Kim Cowger, Tom Hardbarger, and Jason Stevens; Organization and Layout by Debby Boyle and James Arthur Johnson; Coding -- HTML, including Menu System, and embedded CSS -- by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/computing/helpdesk/selfhelp/ocalfaq.shtml
Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance, HTML Version (content by Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance, BlueKey, Inc., and James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.advantageptsp.com/index.html (PHP Version initiated in 2008; Redesigned in 2009)
Treo Phone Frequently Asked Questions (content by Kevin Conrow; layout, editing and coding by James Arthur Johnson; additional content being developed by Kevin Conrow and James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/computing/helpdesk/selfhelp/treo/TreoFAQs.shtml
Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance, PHP Version (content by Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance and James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.advantageptsp.com/index.php (Original HTML Version initiated in 2006; Redesigned in 2009)
Wireless Access Points (content provided by JMU Network Engineering, edited by James Arthur Johnson; newer coding, including JavaScript and CSS for dynamic navigational functionality by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/computing/desktop/wireless/access_points.shtml
NOTE: Much of the JMU Computing Support content (Tech Advisory articles and many pages under http://www.jmu.edu/computing/) are typically no longer directly maintained or authored by James Arthur Johnson as of July 7, 2008, as a result of his becoming a web developer for the university as a whole. Many sites from 2008 and before have been removed or replaced.
Browser Configuration / Tutorial Page - migrated WM2 version (developed by James Arthur Johnson, in conjunction with additional items developed by JMU Marketing and JMU IT Web), URL: http://isapps.jmu.edu/tutorials/browser/
JMU On-Campus Wireless (CSS by University Marketing and James Arthur Johnson, content menu by James Arthur Johnson, content by Debby Boyle and JMU IT, editing and additional layout by James Arthur Johnson, coding by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/computing/desktop/wireless/
JMU CSL Alternative Break Thanksgiving Trip Form (content and some HTML coding by JMU CSL; some HTML, all CFG, and some CSS coding by James Arthur Johnson; some JS and some CSS coding by JQuery), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/csl/abp/thxgvg.shtml
JMU CSL Alternative Break Listserv Request Form (content and some HTML coding by JMU CSL; some HTML, all CFG, and some CSS coding by James Arthur Johnson; some JS and some CSS coding by JQuery), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/csl/abp/listserv.shtml
Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance, Revamped PHP Version (new template, content by Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance and James Arthur Johnson, Flash images provided by Immerge Technologies), URL: http://www.advantageptsp.com/index.php (Original HTML Version initiated in 2006, Original PHP Version initiated in early 2008; Redesigned in 2009)
Web Manager 2 Documentation (content by James Arthur Johnson, except for some embedding media content which is by Margaret Morris, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing and James Arthur Johnson, JavaScript by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/wm2/docs/
JMU ISAPPS J-ESS (content by JMU IT, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing and James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://isapps.jmu.edu/jess/
JMU Transfer Advising Snapshots Application (content by Kate McDaniel, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing and James Arthur Johnson, Perl-CGI and JavaScript coding by James Arthur Johnson), URL: (private); Info: A web interface that allows a user to edit, add, and delete data from databases, which in turn constructs a web site of files made up of that data.
JMU Transfer Advising Web Site (content by Kate McDaniel, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing and James Arthur Johnson, JavaScript coding by James Arthur Johnson, some pages generated by Perl-CGI written by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/transfer/
JMU CSL Alternative Break May Trip Form (content and some HTML coding by JMU CSL; some HTML, all CFG, and some CSS coding by James Arthur Johnson; some JS and some CSS coding by JQuery), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/csl/abp/maytrip.shtml
The Gandhi Center at James Madison University (content by The Gandhi Center, coding by JMU Marketing, James Arthur Johnson and others), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/gandhicenter/
JMU Homecoming (with contributions from James Arthur Johnson, Bill Thompson, Jessica Lumsden, and Virtual Atlantic - most of my work was in the template development. Many other sites have since followed their way into this template or another similar one I developed), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/homecoming/
Pop (by James Arthur Johnson in remembrance of his father who passed away May 11, 2010) URL: http://beacondeacon.com/pop/
JMU Department of Biology (content by Alex Bannigan, HTML/CSS/Scripting/Design by Jase Clamp of WinWorld with assistance from James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/biology/
JMU College of Science and Mathematics (content by Judy Dilts, HTML/CSS/Scripting/Design by Jase Clamp of WinWorld with assistance from James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/csm/
JMU Campus Directory (content by various, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing, Alvin Chao, and James Arthur Johnson, Perl-CGI and JavaScript coding by Alvin Chao and James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/directory
JMU Campus Directory Database Application (content by various, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing and James Arthur Johnson, Perl-CGI and JavaScript coding by James Arthur Johnson), URL: (private); Info: A web interface that allows a user to edit, add, and delete data from databases so that accurate departmental details can show up in the electronic campus directory.
Furious Flower Poetry Center (with contributions from James Arthur Johnson, Alvin Chao, and Virtual Atlantic), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/furiousflower/
JMU Barriers web site and Barrier Alerts/Reporting Application (content by various, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing, Alvin Chao, and James Arthur Johnson; Perl-CGI and JavaScript coding by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/barriers
AIS Request System (content by Brad Kurtz; HTML/CSS by JMU Marketing, Alvin Chao, Jeb Swartzentruber, and James Arthur Johnson; JS by Jeb Swartzentruber and James Arthur Johnson; CFGs by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/ais/help
VASCAN (Virginia Alliance for Secure Computing and Networking - JavaScript, HTML and CSS contributions from James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://vascan.org/
JMU Office of Residence Life Maintenance Request Application (some jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML by James Arthur Johnson to extend features of the application written by Jeb Swartzentruber), URL: https://www.jmu.edu/orl/maintenance/admin/list.html
JMU CMS Impementation, ongoing work by James Arthur Johnson and Alvin Chao, using Cascade Server (Some of the specifics are mentioned below in other works), URL: http://jmucms.jmu.edu/login.act
Video Library by James Arthur Johnson (User fills out fields and a page for the embedded video, SSI, and an index page of all videos are generated in JMU CMS), URL: http://jmucms.jmu.edu/login.act
DoForm Builder by James Arthur Johnson (User fills out fields and a form and configuration file for the relevant script to implement mailing or saving are generated in the JMU CMS), URL: http://jmucms.jmu.edu/login.act
Accounts Portal Security implemented by James Arthur Johnson (Info not disclosed for security)
JMU Furious Flower Collegiate Poetry Summit Registration secure form by James Arthur Johnson (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, CMS security and Template by James Arthur Johnson), URL: https://www.jmu.edu/furiousflower/cpsform/
Dynamic Calendaring System by James Arthur Johnson (User selects the month desired and tags for the relevant script to generate a calendar grid with days housing those events that can be clicked to display the events), URL: http://jmucms.jmu.edu/login.act
JMU New Faculty Staff Benefits Enrollment Sessions (Saved Reservation, Reserve timeslot and the CGI and jQuery coding behind it by James Arthur Johnson. Template CSS by others), URL: not public
JMU Marching Royal Dukes (Some graphical work, architecting, CSS, JavaScript, and other coding by James Arthur Johnson; general template design by WinWorld), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/mrd/
Prototype Templates for a Responsive version of JMU's web site (using jQuery and CSS), URLs: various (undisclosed as prototypes)
Prototype for JMU's mobile site (using jQuery Mobile), URL: TBD
Prototype for JMU's Dynamic Fancybox Gallery using my own paginator (jQuery, JavaScript and Velocity Script and CSS by James Arthur Johnson when not directly related to Fancybox), URL: secured as it is in prototype
VASCAN (Virginia Alliance for Secure Computing and Networking - JavaScript, HTML and CSS contributions from James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://vascan.org/
JMU Mobile Site (JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery Mobile, CSS, HTML, Template and some graphic development by James Arthur Johnson; Graphic design by JMU Marketing), URL: http://m.jmu.edu/
JMU Campus Directory Upgraded to use Cascade Server-based JMU templates and jQuery DataTable plug-in (original content by various, HTML/CSS coding by JMU Marketing, Alvin Chao, and James Arthur Johnson, Perl-CGI and JavaScript coding by Alvin Chao and James Arthur Johnson; all code revisited and improved and replaced by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/directory
tech @ Beacon Deacon, a site of techie resources, mainly along the aspect of development (site coded by James Arthur Johnson; articles and sites by various authors, with some by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://tech.beacondeacon.com
JMU - Forbes Center (with contributions from JMU Arts, JMU Marketing, Alvin Chao, Phil Ernst and James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/forbescenter
Virginia Alliance for Secure Computing and Networking (VA SCAN) (with most coding and some graphics by James Arthur Johnson, all responsive coding and design by James Arthur Johnson, content by Darlene Quackenbush), URL: http://vascan.org
JMU - School of Art, Design and Art History (with contributions from JMU Marketing, Alvin Chao, Phil Ernst and James Arthur Johnson. Much home page design and coding by James Arthur Johnson, highlighting the home page slideshow design and side navigation coding by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/artandarthistory
A Book For The 'Burg (Design by James Arthur Johnson and Amanda Bodle; Development - XHTML, HTML5 and CSS3 used for Responsive Web Development, jQuery - by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://abookfortheburg.com (December 16, 2013).
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2014
Accessibility: made the current templates of the James Madison University website accessible (skipnav, markup for screen-reader-accessible navigation, CSS changes for visibility and jQuery for keyboard navigation control for expandable and collapsible navigation on certain subsites by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/ (February 12, 2014).
Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Terrorism & Peace (CISTP) (design by Dr. Jennifer Connerley and James Arthur Johnson; Development - XHTML, CSS, HTML5 and CSS3 used for Responsive Web Development, jQuery - by James Arthur Johnson with content by Dr. Jennifer Connerley and Dr. Frances Flannery), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/cistp/ (March 19, 2014).
JMU Gateway (Velocity - including CSS, HTML and JavaScript -- and design by James Arthur Johnson), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/gateway/index.shtml (September 25, 2014).
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2015
James Madison University mobile-first responsive site. (James Arthur Johnson - Developer for all Velocity Script, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS implementations, with technical architecture and support from Alvin Chao and design from Randy Budnikas and Sarah Jacobsen both from JMU University Marketing), URL: http://www.jmu.edu (July 21, 2015).
And many others were initiated throughout 2015.
Refer to tech @ Beacon Deacon for additional web projects from 2015 where denoted as being by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson.
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2016
James Madison University internal Cascade Web Services apps to insert users into groups and add groups to users in Cascade. (James Arthur Johnson - Developer of HTML markup, CSS and PHP, the latter using Wing Ming Chan's Cascade Web Services Library), URL: (Requires Authentication and only accessible from a specified geographical location) https://wwwdev.jmu.edu/cascade/web-services/ (January - February 2016).
And many others were initiated throughout 2016.
Refer to tech @ Beacon Deacon for additional web projects from 2016 where denoted as being by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson.
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2017
James Madison University Study Abroad Interactive Map: Responsive Redevelopment (James Arthur Johnson - responsive development, Velocity, JavaScript, CSS and jQuery - from original desktop version by Phil Ernst) URL: http://www.jmu.edu/global/abroad/map/ (August 21-22, 2017)
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2018
James Madison University Total Compensation Calculator (Benecalc) (James Arthur Johnson - converted a Visual Basic application to a client-side JavaScript app using a dynamic form and amCharts), URL: http://www.jmu.edu/humanresources/totalcomp/index.shtml (dev version January 2018; launched "live" June 2018).
James Madison University Information Technology (Developers: Alvin Chao, James Arthur Johnson, Shaun O'Kelley; Content: Linda Carrier, Drew Davis, Debby Boyle and others). URL: http://www.jmu.edu/computing/index.shtml (launched "live" September 2018).
James Madison University: Block Change Tool (Developer: James Arthur Johnson, Velocity Script including HTML, CSS and the jQuery and JavaScript running Web Services against Cascade's REST API JSON to produce a self-contained administrative application tool, which can alter region Block and Format assignments across various pages in a folder within the CMS). URL: [withheld due to security] (October 2018).
James Madison University: Back To Top Tool (Developer: James Arthur Johnson, Velocity Script including HTML, CSS and the jQuery and JavaScript running Web Services against Cascade's REST API JSON to produce a self-contained administrative application tool, which can add a back to top hover button across various pages in a folder within the CMS). URL: [withheld due to security] (October 2018).
James Madison University: Page Indexer Tool (Developer: James Arthur Johnson, Velocity Script including HTML, CSS and the jQuery and JavaScript running Web Services against Cascade's REST API JSON to produce a self-contained administrative application tool, which can set as indexable (or not) various pages in a folder within the CMS). URL: [withheld due to security] (October 2018).
James Madison University: Page Publishable Tool (Developer: James Arthur Johnson, Velocity Script including HTML, CSS and the jQuery and JavaScript running Web Services against Cascade's REST API JSON to produce a self-contained administrative application tool, which can set as publishable (or not) various pages in a folder within the CMS). URL: [withheld due to security] (October 2018).
James Madison University: Qualtrics API Tool (Developer: James Arthur Johnson, HTML, CSS and the JavaScript which produces a test URL based on criteria). URL: [withheld due to security] (November 2018).
James Madison University: Multi-Publish Tool (Developer: James Arthur Johnson, Velocity Script including HTML, CSS and the jQuery and JavaScript running Web Services against Cascade's REST API JSON to produce a self-contained administrative application tool, which can publish multiple pages across various folder hierarchies from the CMS). URL: [withheld due to security] (November 2018).
Refer to tech @ Beacon Deacon for additional web projects from 2018 where denoted as being by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson.
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2019
Tooltips (Tooltip JS/CSS by Tipped; Cascade CMS Velocity Script, Perl/CGI, jQuery/AJAX/JavaScript customizations and tying to centralized glossaries by James Arthur Johnson), URL: used on various pages - one example at https://www.jmu.edu/cascade/docs/concepts/pages.shtml (February 2019).
JMU - Forbes Center (with contributions from JMU Arts, Alvin Chao, James Arthur Johnson), URL: https://jmuforbescenter.com (June 2019).
James Madison University (forced https site) (with contributions from James Arthur Johnson and Peter Baitz), URL: https://www.jmu.edu (July 2019).
James Madison University Bloodborne Pathogen Test and Hepatitis B Vaccination Form application (content by JMU Risk Management, coding by James Arthur Johnson including credentialed-role detection determining behaviors of app and file updates for interfacing with other systems), URL: https://www.jmu.edu/cgi-bin/bbptest.cgi (October 2019).
And others in the background of multiple sites.
Refer to tech @ Beacon Deacon for additional web projects from 2019 where denoted as being by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson.
Related Links, URL: throughout the entire JMU website where James Arthur Johnson wrote Python and JQuery to work together against JSON to replace BrightEdge's related links (May-June 2020).
Assistance with Security Awareness (June-October 2020).
Accessibility, URL: throughout the entire JMU website (July 2020).
Accessibility integration with Cascade CMS - currently evaluating. (Febraury 2021-present).
HR Affiliate Forms, Apps, workflow and admin tools (James Arthur Johnson was the sole developer for the entire set of apps -- each of the forms, workflows, Perl/CGI scripts interacting with the databases, administrative tools, etc.), URL: https://secureweb.jmu.edu/humanresources/affiliateform/ (launched 23 June 2021).
Various Perl to Python script conversions by James Arthur Johnson to stage for future development and modernization of applications. (January-April 2022).
And others in the background of multiple sites.
Refer to tech @ Beacon Deacon for additional web projects from 2022 where denoted as being by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson.
Web pages, sites, scripts and applications initiated 2023
New website template (Website Design 2.1) for the JMU site - hovering top navigation, full-width image behind site title, new breadcrumbs, new search, accessibility improvements (CSS, markup, scripting -- JS, jQuery, and Cascade CMS Velocity Script -- by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson with some additional accessibility improvements by Shaun O'Kelley). URL: various pages on https://www.jmu.edu (January-June 2023).
Web Services Tools (HTML markup, CSS, JS/jQuery and Python and Velocity Script by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson and Shaun O'Kelley). URL: https://www.jmu.edu/cascade/webservices/group-audit.shtml (one Jamie wrote; all are secured behind authentication) (July- 2023).
Ampersand refactoring to allow the CMS to process ampersands in Velocity Script. URL: various pages on https://www.jmu.edu (August- 2023).
Sitemap consolidation. URL: various sitemap pages on https://www.jmu.edu (September 2023).
Left navigation highlight/expansion refactor. URL: various pages on https://www.jmu.edu (September 2023).
Development or assistance with development of non-article and non-web works. Some examples are below. NOTE: See note regarding authorship*, development*, and contribution* below.
MyCal Gadget for Windows Vista, a calendaring gadget for Windows Vista users that gives the date and a special message and picture, with a link to the history for that day, developed by James Arthur Johnson, Download (If you download it, please do not take credit for my work). This may download as a .zip file, in which you will have to rename it to a .gadget file.
Velocity: The Basics: Scripting with a $ here and a # to do (Kindle Edition | on Google Play) by James Arthur Johnson, an e-book which serves to teach one how to program in the Velocity Template Language and covers methods in the scripting thereof. It also serves as a reference for the reader who may already be developing in Velocity. Published February 23, 2014.
The Life of Julius Caesar: A fifty-six-year cartoon (Kindle Edition | on Google Play) written and illustrated by James "Jamie" Arthur Johnson, an e-book, inspired by Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, written in comic form for children 8 and up, featuring and capturing the life of Julius Caesar from his birth in 100 B.C. to his death in 44 B.C. It serves as a great summary and means to teach kids about the highlights of Julius Caesar's life. Note: While the comic is drawn to look more like a cartoon, it does contain some blood and war graphics. Published May 2, 2015.
Velocity: Beyond the Basics: Beyond a $ here and a # to do (Kindle Edition | on Google Play) by James Arthur Johnson, an ebook, which serves as a supplemental companion to my book Velocity: The Basics, reinforcing concepts from that book while introducing new topics and diving deeper into other topics in the Velocity Template Language (VTL), its tools, methods and scripting thereof. It also serves as a reference for the reader who is already familiar with Velocity. Published August 22, 2016.
*Authorship, development, or contribution as defined here may include coding, content, or
assistance in composition of a final product listed above. Sites are listed for their scripted functionality, design, usability, or uniqueness, and/or all of the aforementioned. I have attempted to mention above where
collaboration occurs on the work (such as when another person and I wrote the content or if I wrote the code,
but not necessarily the content). If not specified, the assumption may be made that I am the primary author of the
work. In cases where I am not the primary author, I received permission from a primary individual in the project
to be a known contributor of the project. Also, note that where others have contributed, works may have changed from their
original content. If clarification is needed, please
contact me.